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我还有两三封信搁着未复。I am two or three letters in arrears.

他们催讨拖欠的工钱。They are urgent for payment of arrears of wages.

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这间公司终于补交了他们偷漏的流转税。The company finally paid the turnover tax in arrears.

有效地扼制了欠税的增长势头。The upturn of arrears and tax unpaid was well curbed.

哦,我以前的老板也是,经常拖欠工资。Well. My former manager was often in arrears of wages.

随意解雇、拖欠工资的现象仍很普遍。Random dismiss and wage arrears phenomenon is prevalent.

里约州的雇员和退休人员被拖欠了工资和养老金。Rio state employees and pensioners are owed wages in arrears.

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私有化及长期薪资欠款则进一步扩大所得差距。Privatization and pro-longed wage arrears enlarged the income gap.

你的工资会在当月的下个月通过支票或银行转账发放。You will be paid in arrears every month by cheque or bank transfer.

约翰答应为杂志写的小说没有如期交稿。John is in arrears on the story he promised to write for the magazine.

医院欠费问题由来已久,但并未引起足够的重视。The arrears of hospitals hasn t been paid attention to for a long time.

逃避追缴欠税款主动悔罪被从轻。Offenders who confess to escaping being demanded tax arrears will get off.

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“创先争优”活动能为职工催来拖欠3年工资?"A Good" campaign urging workers to be able to pay arrears of three years?

未依法纳税的,税务机关应当予以追缴。If it fails to pay the taxes, the tax organ shall demand payment of arrears.

据报道,这家工厂拖次了工人工资。It is reported that this factory has falen into arrears with workers' wages.

她以一种简慢的、办理事务式的态度通知他。I received a curt letter telling me I was in arrears on my mortgage payments.

房产纠纷,包括房屋抵押贷款以及地方机关租金拖欠和收回房屋。Housing disputes, including mortgage and council rent arrears and re-possession.

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“真实”信贷相当大一部分或许都被用于支付拖欠的工资。A significant chunk of the "real" lending may have gone into paying wage arrears.

查封官需要有郡法院的证明才能没收货物以抵欠租。Bailiffs need a certificate from the county court to seize goods for rent arrears.

因此,就会出现相关香港企业拖欠货款或倒闭的情况。Therefore , The Hong Kong-related enterprises will be paid in arrears or close down.