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至少人家有一个是长胜。At least one is prosperous.

乔治二世统治下的英国繁荣昌盛。England under George II was prosperous.

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但是这里也是该国最繁荣的小镇之一。But it is also one of the most prosperous.

恭祝大家新年新气象,兔年行好运发大财!Wishes you a prosperous year of the Rabbit!

祝你们国家繁荣富强!May your country grow prosperous and strong!

底特律曾经是一座显赫一时、繁荣兴旺的城市。Detroit was once a grand and prosperous city.

这个城市越来越繁盛了。The city is becoming more and more prosperous.

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香火相当旺盛的街边小庙。A very prosperous small temple on the side road.

谨祝新年快乐幸福,大吉大利。Wishes for a very happy and prosperous New Year.

一部分人先富裕起来。Some people become prosperous sooner than others.

他比以往任何时候都更象一个生意兴隆的商贩了。He looked more than ever like a prosperous bagman.

在一个繁荣的社会,每个人都不会克己奉公。In a prosperous society, every one does one's bit.

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这个小镇在淘金热期间繁荣起来.The small town became prosperous in the gold rush.

这座酒楼酒望高挂,生意兴隆。The wine sign overhangs the prosperous restaurant.

最后,祝各位新年愉快,阖家幸福!I wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year!

谨祝新年愉快开心,大吉大利。I hope you HAs a maximum glad or prosperous New Year.

我祝愿你在新的一年里最快乐,在事业上大展宏图。I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year.

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他有很多妻妾,三个老婆、6个儿子。Rich and prosperous a concubine third wife, six sons.

随后四年,是繁荣的间歇期。The following four years were a prosperous interlude.

我们的祖国一定会更加的繁荣昌盛的。Our motherlands certainly prosper the prosperous more.