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闪族语系的词根结构。The root structure of the semitic languages.

他们建立了闪族统治者掌管的王朝。They established a dynasty of Semitic rulers.

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西南闪语就是阿拉伯各部落语言。Southwest is the Semitic language of the Arab tribes.

说北埃塞俄比亚语的闪族人。Semitic language that is the official language of Ethiopia.

那双闪米特人的黑眼睛盯住了雅夏看,流露出一丝心领神会的嘲笑。The black, Semitic eyes gazed at Yasha with a sort of knowing mockery.

如果你读的好,一个很好的关于闪米特语的例子就是希伯来语If you read a well, a good example of that kind of Semitic script is Hebrew.

在所有的语言家族中,闪语的书面语历史最长。Of all language families, Semitic languages have the longest written lifespan.

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阿拉姆人的是一个犹太人的人发源于住在上不达米亚和叙利亚。The Aramaeans were a Semitic people who originated and lived in upper Mesopotamia and Syria.

他们发明了楔形文字,征服者的闪族就是从他们这里接受了楔形文字的。They invented cuneiform, the Semitic conquerors is from here that they accepted the cuneiform.

阿拉姆语是闪族语,从公元前539年-公元后70年都作为以色列的日常用语。Aramaic is a semitic language and it was the day-to-day language of Israel from 539 BC – 70 AD.

众所周知,叙利亚人和腓力斯人敬奉一位闪米特美人鱼月神。The Syrians and the Philistines were also known to have worshiped a Semitic mermaid moon-goddess.

与此同时,阿尔贝托教导柔耶稣和有关会议的印欧语和犹太人文化。Meanwhile, Alberto teaches Sophie about Jesus and the meeting of Indo-European and Semitic culture.

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旧约所着力描述的国家只有一个,就是希伯莱民族的国家,他们属于闪米族部落。Among all the nation, the Old Testament concentrated on one—the Hebrews belonging to the Semitic tribe.

我忘了闪米特语中有多少字母,粗略说来大概有二十五个I forget the exact number of the ones in the Semitic alphabet, but we're talking about roughly twenty-five.

阿拉伯语为您从右到左写一个犹太人的语言,而英语是从左向右写的。Arabic is a semitic language which you write from right to left, while English is written from left to right.

闪语专业学习一种或多种闪族语言,是北非和西南亚的母语。Students in this major study one or more of the Semitic languages, native to North Africa and Southwest Asia.

所以他的真名叫犹太或犹大,低土马以及,多马是其昵称,一个为希腊语,一个为闪语或亚兰语。His real name is Judah or Judas and Didymus, and Thomas are his nicknames, one Greek and one Semitic or Aramaic.

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阿拉伯语属于闪含语系闪语族,主要通行于中东和北非地区。Afro-Asiatic languages Arabic are Semitic languages, the main passage in the Middle East and North Africa region.

没药味苦,是用于香水和熏香的树脂,来自闪米特语词根,意为“苦”。Myrrh is a bitter-tasting tree resin used in perfume and incense. The word comes from a Semitic root meaning bitter.

它属于犹太人集团的语言,其中还包括希伯来语和阿姆哈拉语,使用的主要语言的埃塞俄比亚。It belongs to the Semitic group of languages, which also includes Hebrew and Amharic , the main language of Ethiopia.