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这里是大桡船的接待室。It was the antechamber of the galleys.

那餐室同时也是起坐间,位于两间卧室之间。The dining-room was an antechamber as well, and separated the two bedrooms.

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接着他走出自己的卧室,倒在前房的方砖地上。Then he ran out of his room and fell prostrate on the floor of the antechamber.

他们走到了王座前面的接待室,位于今天这场混乱的中心。They reached the antechamber before the throne room the center of the inordinate activity.

普特洛克勒斯从此留在国王身边侍驾,经常整天站在大殿前听候差遣。Patroclus was in constant attendance on the King and used to stand all day in his antechamber.

它溢出出,一条黄色黄疸的病弱缎带从一条幽灵的线前堂爬。It spilled out, a sickly ribbon of yellow jaundice that crept from the antechamber in a ghostly thread.

门打开了。他不失时机地爬进前厅,使尽全力关上那扇沉重的门。Not losing another second, he inched his way into the antechamber and closed the heavy door as best he could.

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享堂区仿照主人生前的住处设计,分为门厅、前堂、寝室。The complex, made up with an entrance, an antechamber and a bedroom, was designed in accordance with the residence of Li.

下飞机后不到2个小时,他就来到了上海社科院的外宾接待室。Plane hind is less than 2 hours below, he comes to the foreign guest antechamber of courtyard of Shanghai company division.

介绍了哈尔滨市一座高层建筑楼梯间及其前室、合用前室的加压送风系统的试验情况。Presents field tests of pressurization air supply systems of stairwell, antechamber and common antechamber for a tall building in Harbin.

玛莎琳公主正与情人奥克塔维伯爵共度浪漫之夜,前厅忽然传来声响,奥克塔维伯爵慌忙躲起来。The Marschallin, Princess von Werdenberg, has spent the night with her young lover, Count Octavian, who hides when voices are heard in the antechamber.

国会议员们一直闹到快天明也不散场,后厨的厨师和前堂的伙计都支持不住,把怒气都发在了栾学堂的身上!Members of Congress has been referred to the dawn is not afterwards, kitchen chef and antechamber man support not to live, the anger in the Luan school!

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通往钢铁议会的大厅内的符文哨兵的火焰符文技能在两种难度下造成的伤害显著降低。In the Antechamber leading to the Assembly of Iron, the Rune Etched Sentry's ability, Flaming Rune, does considerably less damage over time in both difficulty modes.

在珂赛特的亲切命令下,冉阿让笑了之后,乘人不备,立刻站起身来,没有人察觉,他走到了候客室。Immediately after having laughed, at Cosette's graceful command, when no one was paying any heed to him, Jean Valjean had risen and had gained the antechamber unperceived.

遵循前厅西侧墙面竖窗的窗宽及窗框尺度模数延伸出了发射状的框形天花,成为了前厅的主导元素。The frame shape suspended ceiling designed according to the size of the vertical windows on the western wall of the antechamber becomes the leading element of the antechamber.

肝被称为心脏的接待室,因为它通过门静脉收集和运送所有胃肠的血液到右心。The liver has been called the antechamber of the heart because it collects and processes all of the gastrointestinal blood through the portal vein and delivers it to the right side of the heart.

二月十七日,中午稍过,当巴斯克臂下夹着抹布和鸡毛掸,正忙着打扫“他的候客室”时,他听见轻轻的敲门声。On the morning of the 17th of February, it was a little past midday when Basque, with napkin and feather-duster under his arm, busy in setting his antechamber to rights, heard a light tap at the door.