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我将搬出嘻皮社区。I'd liberate myself from the Hippy Commune.

在他们看来,肩背帆布包、留长发的人都是嬉皮士。In their view anybody with a rucksack and long hair is a hippy.

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这是一家棕榈树造型的新嬉皮士咖啡厅,门口有遮阳伞和风铃。This is a palm-shaded neo- hippy café with outdoor umbrellas and wind chimes.

那种啃着从附近农场里的玉米秆上刚掰下来的生玉米的嬉皮士。The kind of hippy who eats raw corn, right off the cob, picked from a nearby farm.

如果你渴望展现自己嬉皮时髦的一面,波希米亚风的发带是很好的选择。Bohemian headbands are the real deal if you're eager to reveal your Hippy chic side.

所以对于你身边被宠坏的嬉皮士来说,有什么会比混合燕麦卷更好的呢?So for the spoilt hippy in your life, what could be more wonderful than MixMyGranola.

那种不常剪发、沉迷于诗词、爱思考艺术的嬉皮士。The kind of hippy that gets infrequent haircuts and ponders poetry and thinks about art.

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今年的秋装仍然是MIX路线,嘻皮还是休闲,一切随你喜欢!This year is still on the game MIX all fall clothing line, hippy or leisure, all as you like!

论文第一章主要分析嬉皮士运动发生的历史背景。In this paper, the first chapter primarily analyzes the historical background of the hippy movement.

“我一点儿也不嬉皮,我痛恨那些利用女性的绝望心理,给予虚假希望的人”。‘I’m no hippy and used to rail against the exploitation of desperate women by anyone giving false hope, ’ she says.

伍德斯托克音乐节毫无疑问是嬉皮士运动的一个缩影,并为所有摇滚音乐节确立了框架结构。The event that perhaps both epitomizes the hippy movement and set the framework for all rock concerts to come was undoubtedly Woodstock.

我妈觉得我在着装方面是个极端保守主义者。这些嬉皮士家长永远不会明白你为什么喜欢穿衬衫和运动鞋。My mum thinks Im a ultra-conservative in the way I dress. Hippy parents just dont understand why you want to wear a shirt and smart shoes.

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与我同一卧铺间的旅伴是兰克郡来的老乡菲兹尓,她有点嬉皮士派头,做焚香进口生意,她也要从莫斯科一直乘到符拉迪沃斯托克。My room-mate was Fizle, an old-school hippy incense importer and a fellow Lancastrian. She was also doing Moscow to Vladivostok in one hit.

我妈觉得我在着装方面是个极端保守主义者。这些嬉皮士家长永远不会明白你为什幺喜欢穿衬衫和运动鞋。My mum thinks I'm a ultra-conservative in the way I dress. Hippy parents just don't understand why you want to wear a shirt and smart shoes.

长发的流行趋势一直持续到上世纪的60、70年代,直到奥黛丽·赫本用别致的上卷式盘发替代了中分的长发型。This fashion for long hair continued through the 1960s and 1970s, with Audrey Hepburn's chic up-do giving way to the long, centre-parted hippy look.

从外表看,我是一个温柔的嬉皮牛仔,但在内心深处,我是一个冷血的资本家。Sibly Verbeck has the winning quote from the Virtual World Conference 2008. "I have a soft hippy cowboy exterior, but the interior of a cold blooded capitalist."

如果你在几个月前告诉我这些即将发生在我身上的事,我会当着你的面大笑,或许还会精心谋划几个恶作剧,让你知道不要四处鼓吹这些嬉皮士的胡话。If you laid that load on me a few months ago, I'd have laughed in your face and probably begun plotting some elaborate prank that'd teach you not to go around spewing hippy bullshit.

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酒吧和餐馆里人们衣着光鲜,菜肴出色,但这是一个价格昂贵,过于做作的去处,我宁愿回到嬉皮士气质的海滩上。The bar and restaurant is where the beautiful people hang out. The food is superb but it is another over-priced, over-designed hangout and I would rather have been back on the hippy beach.

第二章主要探析嬉皮士运动的特征,其中既分析了嬉皮士运动成员的特征,也分析了嬉皮士运动的特征。The second chapter chiefly researches the characteristic of hippy movement. The chapter analyses not only characteristic of its participants but also characteristic of the movement itself.

他们想要彻底改造世界的渴望见证了四个有着优美卷发的汉堡摇滚手变成留着著名“拖把头”的四人乐队。Their thirst for reinvention saw the elegantly quiffed Hamburg rockers become the mop-topped fab four, hippy harbingers of sexual liberation and, eventually, druggy psychedelic visionaries.