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人体皮肤的衰老是生物的自然发展过程。Consenescence of human body cutaneous is process of biologic nature development.

在老年期,随着机体的一般衰老,中枢神经系统亦日益减弱。InSenilePeriod, as the general consenescence of airframe, central nervous system also increasingly abate.

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体育锻炼可以增强体质,提高抗病能力,延缓衰老,这已是公认的事实。Physical training can enhance a constitution, increase disease-resistant capacity, defer consenescence , this already was accepted fact.

青花菜能预防癌症,清除和抑制有害物质,延缓衰老,预防心血管疾病。Green beautiful dish can prevent cancer, keep clear of and restrain harmful material, defer consenescence , prevent cardiovascular disease.

黑色的黑芝麻黑芝麻含有大量的不饱和脂肪酸和维生素E,对延缓皮肤衰老非常有益。Black sesame seed of black sesame seed contains many not saturated fatty acid and vitamin E, very beneficial to deferring skin consenescence.

现代人为防止未老先衰就应当加强身体锻炼,并及时滋补,改善肾虚衰老症状。Modern takes exercise to prevent prematurely senile to ought to strengthen the body, seasonable and nourishing, improve symptom of kidney empty consenescence.

衰老是人体代谢的自然规律,各个器官随着年龄增长,均会呈现功能减弱、活力下降的现象。Consenescence is the order of nature that human body metabolizes, each organs grow as the age, all can present a function the phenomenon that abate, vigor drops.

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该研究所主要从事衰老、生物再生和与之相关的科技动态和新技术的研究。And the institute mainly engages in the research of consenescence , biological regeneration and the related research of technological developments and new technology.

本发明涉及一种能丰胸、嫩肤、补充皮肤水份、延缓衰老的制剂及其生产方法。The invention relates to a preparation which can augmentate breast, smooth skin, complement skin water and delay consenescence as well as a production method thereof.

这项技术不仅可以治疗各个部位已经形成的皱纹、凹坑,对没有进入衰老的肌肤,也有很好的娇嫩肌肤作用。This technology can treat the furrow that each place had formed, indentation not only, to entering the skin of consenescence , also have very good delicate skin effect.

按摩时,注重从下往上,由内而外的方向,只要持之以恒,你的俏脸会推迟松弛暗哑的衰老来访。When massaging, notice from next upgrade, by inside and the direction outside, want to perserve only, your spruce face can be deferred flabby dark dumb consenescence calls in.

到了中老年阶段,肾的精气衰退,形体也逐渐衰老,面容衰老,全身筋骨运动不灵,齿摇发脱。Arrived in senile phase the essence of kidney enrages decline body also gradually anile countenance consenescence motion of systemic bones and muscles is ineffective tine shakes send.