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数学和科学。Math and Science.

我们知道自然科学。We know the science.

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科学呀,我无处可逃。From science I shrink.

科学使我入神。Science fascinates me.

科学适合老古董。Science is for curios.

动手做一项科学实验。Do a science experiment.

仿生学是一门新的科学。Bionics is a new science.

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好哇,不,这是科学。Hurray! No -it's science.

最终科学获得胜利。In the end, science wins.

科学是论述客观事实的。Science deals with facts.

科学是价值中性的吗?。Value-Neutral Science Is?

我丢了我的科技书。I've lost my science book.

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科学是价值中性的吗?。Is Science Value- neutral?

那是本关于科学的书。That is a book on science.

但是科学是一次长途旅行。But science is the journey.

他是科学界杰出的人物。He is prominent in science.

数学是科学的一个分科。Math is a branch of science.

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或者艺术,道德,科学。Or art, morals, and science.

科学以现象为根据。Science rests on phenomena.

科学应是一种强心剂。Science should be a cordial.