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原子摆动。Atoms wiggle.

她走起路来一扭一摆的。She walks with a wiggle.

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动动你的脚尖,甩甩你的手脚和臂膀。Wiggle your toes, feet, hands and arms.

粗粒度评估和回旋空间Coarse-grained estimates and wiggle room

毛鼻袋熊想在地面上扭动前进。Wombat wanted to wiggle along the ground.

你们可以任意,摆动它。You can wiggle it as much as you want to.

袋熊想在地面上扭动前进。Wombats wanted to wiggle along the ground.

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蚯蚓便开始扭动着钻下去。The worms will start to wiggle their way down.

使耳朵摆动的一些肌肉我也没说。Nor of the muscles some of use to wiggle our ears.

我想跳舞的时候摇摇摆摆,走路的时候扭来扭去。I want to shimmy when I dance and wiggle when I walk.

德国城市创下集体转呼拉圈世界纪录。Mass wiggle earns German city a new hula hoop record.

但是,绘制走势图和趋势线允许一位偏差的。But charting and trendline drawing allow for a bit of wiggle room.

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我把我的手指从脸上的洞伸进去用力扭动。I stick my finger through the hole in my cheek and wiggle the finger around.

富国皮革鞋面与沿脚背松紧带,以提供额外的回旋余地。Rich leather upper with elasticized bands along the instep to give extra wiggle room.

给你的运营和市场预算上留点周旋的余地,但是避免太过于保守。Give yourself wiggle room in your operations and marketing budgets, but avoid being excessive.

因为他能够在松土里自由地转身了,自己就从地里钻了出来。He was able to wiggle himself free from the loosened earth and pull himself up onto the ground.

但一些投标者预计,最终入选者会有一些调整报价的空间。Some bidders, however, expect there to be some wiggle room for finalists to amend their offers.

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即便是同期蠕虫,爬得慢的比爬得快的早死。Even C. elegans worms that wiggle slowly die sooner than worms of the same age that wiggle more quickly.

刷毛尖端应该保持在一个位置,但是刷头前后摆动。The tips of the bristles should stay in one place, but the head of the brush should wiggle back and forth.

谁会忘记老道的喀麦隆前锋米拉用他那灵活的摆动点亮1990年世界杯之灯?Who could forget veteran Cameroon striker Milla setting the 1990 World Cup alight with his brilliant wiggle?