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又像英勇的火炬。And a valiant torch.

那个火炬从此再也没有开放。The torch never re-opened.

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当然,同时熔化的还有你的大脑。And torch your brain as well.

再次点燃生命的火炬。Re- ignited the torch of life.

奥运主火炬手是谁?Who are the main Olympic torch ?

我把摇曳的火把交给你I yield my flickering torch to Thee

我需要的工具是一把割枪。The tool I need is a cutting torch.

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同样的火炬把我的双眼也燃亮。At the same torch that lighted mine.

他把手电筒亮了一下。He flashed the torch on for a second.

欢迎火炬的市民人山人海。Huge crowds welcomed the torch parade.

烧杯被放在喷灯上方。The beaker was placed on top of a torch.

手电筒射出一道道光束,在墙上晃动。The torch lights are swaying on the wall.

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手电筒霍然一亮。Suddenly somebody flashed an electric torch.

手电筒霍然一亮。Suddenly somehody flashed an electric torch.

我想塞西莉亚正带着一个火炬去给昆廷。I think Cecily is carrying a torch for Quentin.

我想塞西莉正单恋着昆廷。I think Cecily is carrying a torch for Quentin.

在您的国家有抵制奥运圣火的事件吗?Is the Olympic Torch boycotted in your country?

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医生打着手电筒检查他的瞳仁。The doctor is examining his pupil with a torch.

然后,他在每一对尾巴上系上一支火把。Then he fastened a torch to every pair of tails.

或举爱之炬,顶狂暴风力And hold the torch out, while the winds are rough