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埃及人书写用薄草纸。The Egyptians wrote on papyrus.

你知道草纸有多贵吗?Do you know the price of papyrus?

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蒲草没有泥,岂能发长。Can papyrus shoot up without marsh?

Sema用两种植物,纸草和荷花绑扎一起。Sema bound with two plants, the papyrus and the lotus.

在那个时期,纸张是由纸草植物剥皮制成的。In those days, paper was made from strips of the papyrus.

忙碌的生活与纸莎草纸管你和你的手机。Manage your busy life with Papyrus and your mobile phone.

对旭日东升的描绘,来自于Nodjmet的纸莎草纸,约公元前1050年A depiction of the rising sun. Papyrus of Nodjmet, c. 1050 BC.

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在那个年代,纸是由植物的茎和纸草制成的。In those days, paper was made from strips of the papyrus plant.

蒲草没有泥,岂能发长?芦荻没有水,岂能生发?。Can papyrus shoot up without marsh? Can reeds grow without water?

他是持有部分滚动推出的莎草纸在他的左手。He is holding a partially rolled papyrus scroll in his left hand.

纸草表现了下埃及而荷花表现了上埃及。The papyrus represents Lower Egypt and the lotus represents Upper Egypt.

在野狗躺卧之处,必有青草,芦苇,和蒲草。In the haunts where jackals once lay, grass and reeds and papyrus will grow.

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羊毛料和木材送到埃及以换取亚麻布或纸莎草纸。Woollen cloth and timber were sent to Egypt in exchange for linen or papyrus.

在那段时间,纸是用纸草植物的长条做成的。In those days, paper was made from stript strips of the peparious papyrus plant.

古埃及医生记录的纸莎草文件也涉及了糖尿病的一些症状。Also, Egyptian papyrus documents by ancient physicians refer to diabetes symptoms.

这些纸草已经开始碎裂,所以他不敢用手去碰它们。The papyrus was already beginning to crumble, so he did not dare touch it by hand.

现存最古老的癌症处方大约出自公元前1600年,是写在一张莎草纸上的。The oldest surviving description of cancer is written on a papyrus from about 1600 B.C.

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今天,无论存放在何地的纸草纸文献都面临自燃被毁的危险。Today, the papyrus documents everywhere are faced with danger of spontaneous combustion.

在其它的表现里我们发现两位神利用纸草和荷花一起捆绑Sema。In other representations we find two gods binding the Sema together using papyrus and lotus.

纸草提供许多聪明的视野和有力的工具处理而且掌握你的时间表的资讯。Papyrus offers many smart views and powerful tools to manage and keep track of your schedule.