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佛祖,基督,毗湿奴,穆罕默德和亨利Buddha Christ Vishnu Mohammed and Henry

毗湿奴神沉睡在其所属的海洋…Lord Vishnu sleeps on him in the ocean of being.

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在印度教,乌宠库尔玛是毗瑟奴的第二个化身。In Hinduism, Kurma was the second avatar of Vishnu.

星期天的早晨,我们上毗湿纽的歌唱课。On Sunday morning we had singing lessons with Vishnu.

联合国和国际法庭在干什么?Vishnu Swaroop KyanamWhat are UN and International Court Doing?

毗湿奴挺身拯救了普拉拉德,而邪恶的霍利嘉则被毁灭。Vishnu intervened to save Prahlad and evil Holika perished instead.

然而,这个暴君的儿子普拉拉德却是毗湿奴的忠实信徒。The demon however, had a son named Prahlad who was ardent devotee of Vishnu.

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她转向她的兄弟毗瑟奴,作为最后的援助,要求他去寻找她的丈夫。As a last recourse, she went to her brother Vishnu , asking him to find her husband.

他想为遭毗湿奴杀害的弟弟报仇。He wanted to avenge the death of his younger brother, who had been killed by Vishnu.

他后来被神化,被一些印度教徒称为毗瑟奴的化身。He was later deified and is thought by some Hindu denominations to be an avatar of Vishnu.

一些东印度的毗湿奴派都把巴拉胡米认定为毗湿奴的第九个…Some Vaishnava sects based in eastern India regard Balarama as being the ninth avatar of Vishnu.

毗湿奴变作侏儒与魔王战斗拯救世界的宗教故事浮雕。Vishnu changed for the dwarf and Beelzebub fighting to save the world's religious story of relief.

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这些神和毗瑟挐和亚威一起创造了另一个人类奴隶族。These gods worked along with Vishnu and Yahweh to create another set of human slaves to dance with.

神是崇拜的梅鲁,并确定了与狄俄尼索斯,可能已被湿婆或毗湿奴。The god that was worshipped on the Meru and was identified with Dionysus, may have been Shiva or Vishnu.

他的妻子Sushila,他们的儿子Vishnu和另外两名家庭成员也被给予签证前往中国。His wife Sushila their son Vishnu and two other family members were also given the visa to travel to China.

印度外交部发言人普拉卡什说,新德里当局对于增进中的印缅关系,感到高兴。Indian Foreign Ministry spokesman Vishnu Prakash says New Delhi is pleased that ties with Burma are gaining momentum.

寺庙的主殿是一个光线昏暗的房间,守护神毗瑟挐躺在Sheshnag上,Sheshnag是有多个头的蛇王。The main sanctuary is a dimly lighted room with a statue of Vishnu lying on Sheshnag, the multiheaded king of snakes.

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这些七世纪和八世纪时的带有佛教色彩的德拉威遗迹是印度教的神毗湿奴和湿婆的神庙。These seventh and eighth century Dravidian relics with Buddhist elements are temples to the Hindu gods Vishnu and Shiva.

吴哥窟是苏耶跋摩二世为供奉印度之神毗湿奴而修建的寺庙,苏耶跋摩于公元1131年至1150年间在位统治。The temple of Angkor Wat was dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu by King Suryavarman II, who reigned between 1131 and 1150 AD.

于是,毗瑟挐、亚威和白族虚假神的战争转向到他们和红族虚假神之间。The war then transferred from Vishnu and Yahweh and the white false gods to between Yahweh and Vishnu and the red false gods.