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应该警惕什么?Vigilance against what?

不要麻痹大意。Don't slacken your vigilance.

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他的警觉从未松懈下来。His vigilance never languished.

我们的警惕性从来没有放松过。Our vigilance never languished.

他具有发怒鹪鹩般的警觉。He has an angry wrenlike vigilance.

我们必须保持高度警惕。We have to maintain active vigilance.

警惕性是万万不可放松的。The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

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重置目标进行攻击的生物。Vigilance T Untap target attacking creature.

任何时候我们都要保持高度警惕。We must maintain keen vigilance at all time.

警戒委员会自然是如获至宝,还围绕着这份信设下了一个圈套。The Committee of Vigilance pounced on the letter.

写作与自我惕厉彼此相关。A relation developed between writing and vigilance.

我和内人同感赞赏你们做为新手父母的警觉。My wife and I admire your vigilance as new parents.

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我们决不可放松对敌人的警惕性。We must not let down our vigilance against the enemy.

骶髂关节的治疗需要时刻保持警惕。Healing the sacroiliac joint takes constant vigilance.

游完泳后你愿意放松一下吗?You cannot afford to relax your vigilance for a moment.

武则天的话引起了狄公高度的警惕。Empress Wu's remarks aroused a high degree of vigilance Di Gong.

那抓到小偷的巡夜者,因其警觉而受到赞赏。The watchman who caught the thief was praised for his vigilance.

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如果二维码是粘上去的,务必提高警惕。If the two-dimensional code is stuck, be sure to raise vigilance.

此外,对检疫工作来说,随时保持高度的警觉性是绝对必要的。Besides constant vigilance in quarantine is also of high necessity.

这里有10个技巧来保持日复一日的理财警惕性。Here are ten techniques for keeping up a day-to-day financial vigilance.