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超越梦想才能处变不惊!Exceeding dream can be able to keep calm.

但是我听到了一支绝顶甜柔的歌曲。But I heard a song of exceeding sweetness.

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我极度心理不平衡地想道。I am exceeding psychology thinks lopsidedly.

富户有许多牛群羊群。The rich man had exceeding many flocks and herds

⑦填土路基两侧超填的宽度要切除。Remove the exceeding part of the filling subgrade.

发票金额超过本证金额不接受。Invoices exceeding this credit amount not acceptable.

你拆阅那些信件是越权了。You were exceeding your duty in opening those letters.

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凤凰作为前级远超过我的期望。The Phoenix as a preamp is far exceeding my expectations.

货车,装有汽油引擎,总重量超过5公吨者。Trucks with gasoline engine, g. v. w. exceeding 5 tonnes.

他们一见到那星,极其高兴欢喜。And seeing the star they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.

使用舵机数量超过了电调的容量。Not exceeding the number of servos rated for your specific BEC.

这尼尼微是极大的城,有三日的路程。Now Nineveh was an exceeding great city of three days' journey.

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他们看见那星,就大大的欢喜。When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.

你所谓的“小白鼠”已经批产超过了200架。You don't mass-produce "test-beds" in quantities exceeding 200.

货车底盘,总重量超过20公吨,装有引擎者。Trucks chassis, g. v. w. exceeding 20 tonnes, with engine mounted.

德默特琉一听说了这事,便忧闷地说。And Demetrius heard these words, and was exceeding sorry, and said.

水力涡轮机及水轮,功率超过10,000瓩者。Hydraulic turbines and water wheels, of a power exceeding 10,000 kw.

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其它货车,装有汽油引擎,总重量不超过3.5公吨者。Other trucks with gasoline engine, g. v. w. not exceeding 3.5 tonnes.

迟交作业超过5天将不可原谅,不会给予分数。No point credit will be given for unexcused lateness exceeding 5 days.

货车底盘,总重量不超过3.5公吨,未装引擎者。Chassis for trucks, g. v. w. not exceeding 3.5 tonnes, without engines.