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多麽粗鲁无礼的回答!What a rude reply!

指东指西是无礼的!It's rude to point!

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怕被认为无礼。Afraid of being rude.

攫夺是不礼貌的。It is rude to snatch.

她不能粗鲁无礼。She could not be rude.

打嗝则是很粗鲁的行为。Burping is always rude.

没有,但这样非常无礼。No, but it was very rude.

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我认为这种人真不懂礼貌。Very rude of them, I think.

他们正在收购原棉。They are buying rude cotton.

在公共场合吐痰是粗鲁的。It is rude to spit in public.

她对那个粗鲁的男子怒目而视。She gave the rude man a glare.

他是一个粗暴而惧内的男人。He is a man rude but henpecked.

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记住,不要做横暴的。Remember, don't be a Rude Dude!

边走边吃很不礼貌吗?Is it rude to eat while walking?

你粗鲁的行为使我厌恶。Your rude behaviour disgusts me.

他为她的无礼言词而板起面孔。He stiffened at her rude remarks.

他对爸妈总是以礼相待。He was never rude to his parents.

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他满口脏话地朝我们咆哮。He howled at us with rude remarks.

我不能容忍那个粗鲁的家伙。I can't tolerate that rude fellow.

鲁莽行为令人很厌恶。Rude behaviour displeases greatly.