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我帮您叫行李员好吗?。Shall I call the bellhop?

一个服务员把我们带到房间。A bellhop conducted us to our room.

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我们该付给使者多少小费?How much should we tip the bellhop?

我会让行李员给您拿行李的。I'll have the bellhop see to your bags.

男服务员会把您的行李拿上楼。The bellhop will take your luggage upstairs.

一位男士正在申请一份男待者的工作。The man was applying for a job as a bellhop.

听一下莫尼卡与旅馆侍者的对话。Listen to Monica's conversation with the bellhop.

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行李员会帮您把箱子送到房间。The bellhop will help you to carry the suitcases to your room.

服务员会把您的行李搬到楼上的,祝您住得愉快,先生。The bellhop will take your luggage upstairs. Have a nice stay, sir.

她帮我安排了一个旅馆服务生把我又大又沉的手提箱搬到了我的房间里。She helped arrange a bellhop to bring my big heavy suitcase up to my room.

行李员会帮您把箱子送到房间,祝您晚安。The bellhop will help you carry the suitcases to your room. Have a nice evening!

祈祷者对宗教物质功效的理解使造物主降低到一个并不明智可靠的旅馆门口万能伙计的水平。The doctrine of the material efficacy of prayer reduces the Creator to a cosmic bellhop of a not very bright or reliable kind. -Herbert J.

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追忆浪漫的巴黎蜜月或许会使你想到你呆过的索价过高的那个旅馆的自大的服务员。Reminiscing about, say, that romantic Paris honeymoon might land you thinking about the snotty bellhop at the overpriced hotel where you stayed.