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水从管子里汩汩喷出。Water was jetting profusely from the pipe.

尾巴毛量丰厚形成羽毛状。The tail is profusely coated and forms a plume.

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他给我又配了一把钥匙,并且多次向我道歉。The man cut me another key and apologised profusely.

我的眼睛水大汗现在一样,我的唾液腺。My eyes water profusely now, as do my salivary glands.

它又蹦又叫,毛比往常脱得更厉害。She jumped up, barked and shed more profusely than usual.

他在文章中摘引孔孟的言论很多。He quoted profusely from Confucius and Mencius in his essays.

那个老人,已不省人事,从他头皮上的一个伤口里流出很多血。The old man, unconscious, bled profusely from a cut on his scalp.

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满头大汗,撤着嗓子冲着保安说道。Is sweating profusely , removes the throat to say to the security.

说你担心在公共场合演讲,你感到汗流浃背。Say you are worried about having to speak publicly and sweating profusely.

半年或者一年过后,登记并且感谢你的捐赠者的慷慨。Six months out or one year later, check in and thank your donors profusely.

Monumentally研究,详细和丰富全面的说明。Monumentally researched, comprehensively detailed and profusely illustrated.

挨打的老婆血流如注,好几颗牙都被打掉了。The wife was bleeding profusely and several of her teeth had been knocked out.

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接着,他转向模特儿,对她一再致谢,把她送到了后台。Then, turning to the model, he thanked her profusely and ushered her backstage.

否则的话,太多的笑表示他已经在想象第二次约会了。For the rest of us, laughing profusely says they’re already thinking of date two.

过去的十年里,年轻人就已经广泛地运用吊环和上装来装饰自己了。The youngsters over the past decadehave begun employing rings and tops profusely.

警方于现场发现一名少年,阿森纽斯“杰克森,17岁,大量出血,昏迷不醒。Police found Arsenius Jackson, 17, at the scene, unconscious and bleeding profusely.

此时,成吉思汗已死,窝阔台、蒙哥、忽必烈先后继任大汗。At this point, Genghis Khan is dead, Wokuo Tai, Mungo , Khan has profusely successor.

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攀缘中的侯斌脸上大汗淋漓,双臂青筋暴出。Climbs Hou on the Bin face to sweat profusely , the double arm blue vein storm leaves.

根蘖苗不定根在4年生以后大量发生。The adventitious roots breaks out profusely on the 4 year old stocks grown from suckers.

英国可卡犬有许多羽状饰毛,但不会多到影响他在野外工作。The English Cocker is well-feathered, but not so profusely as to interfere with field work.