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“这是关于避免昂贵的错误,”埃尔金说。"It's about avoiding the expensive mistakes, " Elgin says.

快船队篮球业务副总裁埃尔金贝勒说。Clippers Vice President of Basketball Operations Elgin Baylor said.

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我依然像埃尔金大理石雕像一样一动不动、安详静谧,就像是被放错了地方。I remained as still and quiet as the Elgin marbles, and just as misplaced.

这个小社区拥有几家葡萄酒厂,其中包括埃尔金村葡萄酒厂。The tiny community has several wineries, including the Village of Elgin Winery.

当然了朱利叶斯欧文,詹姆斯沃西,斯科特皮蓬和埃尔金贝勒。Tip o' the hat to Julius Erving, James Worthy, Scottie Pippen and Elgin Baylor.

埃尔金-贝勒在他的新秀赛季场均得到24.9分和15个篮板。Elgin Baylor averaged 24.9 points and 15 rebounds per game in his rookie season.

我要用铁锤伺候埃尔金大理石雕塑,之后用蒙娜丽莎来擦屁股。I'd do the Elgin Marbles with a sledgehammer and wipe my ass with the Mona Lira.

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其中最著名的是赠品是罗赛塔之石头和埃尔金大理石雕。Amongst its more notable acquisitions were the Rosetta Stone and the infamous Elgin Marbles.

埃尔金大理石雕的名字得自一名的将石雕偷运出雅典的狡猾英国贵族。The Elgin Marbles receive their name from the British lord who craftily spirited them away from Greece.

杰夫·埃尔金是Entrepreneur.com的“购买特许经营“教练,拥有25年特许经营从业经验,做过特许经营商和特许经营公司经理。Jeff Elgin has 25 years of experience in franchising, both as a franchisee and a senior franchise company executive.

现在这个13岁的女孩在南爱琴收容所做了三年的志愿者,她说她爱在这里的每一分钟。Now, the 13-year-old girl has volunteered at the South Elgin shelter for three years, and she says she loves every minute there.

上个月在巴黎拍卖的,作为已故圣-罗兰特的文物收藏的一部分的两件铜雕已经演变成为了中国的”艾林家族式大理石雕“。Auctioned in Paris last month as part of the collection of the late Yves Saint Laurent, the bronzes have become China's Elgin Marbles.

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当然,伯德雷恩图书馆声称,这些手稿是合法购买的,如同在大英博物馆的埃尔金大理石。Of course, the Bodleian Library claims that those manuscripts were bought legitimately, just like the Elgin Marbles in the British Museum.

按照无情的经济学原理,从埃尔金勋爵强行打开中国国门到今天的经济增长数字,所走过的轨迹是直的,而非环行的。The hard-headed economic truth is that the line from that compulsory opening up by Lord Elgin to today's growth figures is straight, not circular.

1816年,尽管有人以埃尔金勋爵“毁了雅典”为由极力反对,英国政府依然于购得石雕。Despite objections that Lord Elgin had "ruined Athens" by the time his work was done in 1905, the British Government purchased the marbles from him in 1816.

那一个晚上,库里成为了联盟历史上继乔丹,埃尔金-贝勒,基德和杰里-韦斯特之后首位能够取得至少35分并拿下3双的新秀。That night Steph joined Jordan, Elgin Baylor, Jason Kidd and Jerry West as the only rookies in NBA history to earn a triple double while scoring at least 35 points.

埃尔金勋爵宣称他有奥斯曼帝国苏丹王的特许证明,只要他不破坏古庙的墙体,他可以搬走庙中的任何东西。Lord Elgin claimed his imprimatur from an Ottoman sultan, who said he could remove anything from the Parthenon that did not interfere with the ancient citadel's walls.

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艾尔金放过了紫禁城,他认为损坏紫禁城对中国人而言,是“莫大的耻辱”,可能导致清朝顷刻瓦解。Elgin spared the Forbidden City, reckoning that its destruction would be a “disgrace”—to the Chinese, that is—“so profound that the Qing dynasty would inevitably fall.”

在这些馆藏物品中,最引人注目的要数来自帕特农神庙的大理石雕刻。但与此同时,有些臧品却引起了极大争议,有些国家甚至要求大英博物馆归还其文物。Some objects in the collection, most notably the Elgin Marbles from the Parthenon, are the objects of intense controversy and of calls for restitution to their countries of origin.

雅典一博物馆开幕为流失在大英博物馆、被世人称作“埃尔金大理石”的帕特农神庙雕塑举行了特别的展出,该雕塑已经在大英博物馆收藏了近200年至今仍在那里。A museum has opened in Athens with a special gallery for the Elgin Marbles, Greek sculptures which have been in the British Museum in London for nearly 200 years and are still there.