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越权交易的处理程序。Procedures for handling ultra vires transaction.

裁定部长的行为在权限范围内。The minister's action is ruled to be intra vires.

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相关部门还将清理取消越权出台的收费。Related departments will also abolish the ultra vires to clear out the charges.

中国的越权原则根植于计划经济的意识形态中。The doctrine of ultra vires in China is rooted in its planned economy ideology.

乌检察院指控季莫申科在俄乌2009年签署供气合同时越权。Wu's Procuratorate accused Tymoshenko signed in Ewu 2009 gas contract ultra vires.

在优化条件下,胆盐水解酶活力是优化前的7.4倍。Under optimization conditions, the vires of bile salt hydrolase was enhanced to 7.4 times.

在优化条件下,胆盐水解酶活力是优化前的11.84倍。In optimization conditions, the vires of bile salt hydrolase is 11.84 times before optimize.

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行政权推定行使,已成为行政权越权、滥用的基本口实。The presumption of administrative authority has become an important factor of the ultra vires and abuse.

逾越权能原则在各国立法和司法实践中有日趋衰微的趋势。Ultra vires doctrine has shown the tendency of decline in the course of legislation and judicial practice.

保险人可以依法追究越权的保险代理人的责任。The insurer may pursue, in accordance with the law, liability of the insurance agent that acted ultra vires.

因此,英国公司法通过一个明示的一般性条款使得越权原则归于无用。Hence, English company law has made the doctrine of ultra vires otiose by means of an express general clause.

但是,如果某一经营活动侵犯了国家安全或为法律所限制,该活动仍会被视为越权。A business activity can still be considered ultra vires if it encroaches on national security or restricted by law.

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弱化公司越权原则,加强对交易安全的保护,已成为公司立法的潮流。It is the trend of corporation law to weaken the doctrine of ultra vires and strengthen the protection to trade safety.

主要是违反规划用地、未批先用、边报边用、越权批地、擅自下放土地审批权等。Planning is in violation of land, not of first use, the margin was out of use and ultra vires land, land without authority approval.

强力取证犯罪的证明责任分配和证明标准应有特别规定。The strong vires takes the witnessing onus of the certificate sin shares with verify the standard should have the ad hoc stipulation.

股东的制止请求权是对董事会或董事越权、违法行为制止的权利。The shareholder's right of prevention is a right to stop the ultra vires acts and illegal acts of the board of directors or the director.

从公司法来看,早期确立的“越围原则”在后来的发展中已被证明对于保护股东和债权人利益之不力。From the spectrum of corporation law, Ultra vires has been proved to be powerless in protecting the interests of shareholders and creditors.

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出现违反规划未批先用、边报边用、越权批地、擅自下放土地审批权等现象。No violations of first use planning, the use of margin reported margin, ultra vires grant, unauthorized land authority delegated such phenomena.

以上建设规模限额均指单片开发的建设规模,不得采取化整为零、分期分块等手段越权审批。These limits are to build scale development Chanpian construction scale refrain from digging, phased sub-plots, and other means ultra vires approval.

既要依照法律,不能越权强制管理农民低层自建房的建造,又要给农民有效的指导。We must, in accordance with the law, not ultra vires mandatory building construction management from the lower farmers, but also to farmers effective guidance.