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因此,改革刻不容缓。So reform is urgently needed.

他急切恳求我帮他一个忙。He urgently begged a favour of me.

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项急需我请给我发电报。Send me a wire if I am needed urgently.

要知道这些商品很紧悄。You know the goods are needed urgently.

它们均指急切地询问或要求。They all Inesyl to ask or request urgently.

他要求马上求见精神病专家。He asked to speak urgently to psychiatrists.

“帮我找马尔福。”哈利急切地说。"Help me find Malfoy, " said Harry urgently.

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卫生部的大臣们需要再就这个法案深入思考。Health ministers need to urgently think again.

她说,"我们迫切需要俄罗斯的支持。"“We urgently seek Russia’s support,” she said.

然而,当它以往任何时候都感到如此迫切真的吗?And yet when has it ever felt so urgently true?

急切需要新一代的灌溉系统。We urgently need a new generation of irrigation.

买苏木江·阿斯木急切地建议。Jiang sum to buy urgently recommended Aspen wood.

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贺宸平淡的声音不急不慢。He Chen ugg boots mild voice isn't not urgently slow.

急求治疗湿疹的秒方!The second that begs remedial eczema urgently square!

因此,我国发回重审制度亟待改革与完善。Therefore, it is urgently needed to reform and perfect.

世界需要流传了数千年之久的东方智慧。The world urgently needs the ancient wisdom of the East.

匹诺曹很孤独,他多么希望自己成为一个真正的小男孩呀。He was very lonely and, dreamed urgently to be a real boy.

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他急急地炒股票,一点钱也没赚得。He earned no money for investing into stock market urgently.

税务系统亟待解决这些问题。Taxation system urgently awaits to be solved these problems.

公共卫生界必须立即适应这一现实。The public health community must urgently adapt to this reality.