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这是Algers,Horatio的故事。That's the Algers Horatio story.

我们都知道Horatio,Alger的故事吧?So, we all know the Horatio Alger story right?

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贝尔纳多这将是交谈玛尔凯问题是霍雷肖。Bernardo it would be spoke to. question it, horatio.

蔡说,他的白手起家的故事是一个”温州的典型“。Cai says his Horatio Alger story is “typical of Wenzhou.

哈姆雷特和荷瑞修都不知道这件不幸的事。Neither Hamlet nor Horatio knew about this unhappy event.

荷瑞修则面对国王坐下来,准备好好仔细观察他。Horatio sat facing the king in order to watch him carefully.

荷瑞修和哈姆雷特看到国王显露出种种害怕、愤怒的迹象。Horatio and Hamlet saw the king show every sign of fear and anger.

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除了荷瑞修之外,他决定不把他的计划告诉他的任何朋友。He decided not to tell his plan to any of his friends except Horatio.

广场上的贺拉旭·纳尔逊雕像和鸽子也同样出名。This is equally famous for its statue of Horatio Nelson and its pigeon.

广场上的贺拉旭·纳尔逊雕像和鸽子也同样出名。This is equally famous for its statue of Horatio Nelson and its pigeons.

米勒德·菲尔莫尔升任总统就像是贺拉斯的传说。Millard Fillmore's rise to the presidency reads like a Horatio Alger tale.

天地之大,赫瑞修,比你所能梦想到的更多。There are more things in heaven and earth than you've ever dream of, Horatio.

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荷瑞修主修科学——那个时代被称作“自然哲学”。Horatio studies science – what they called in those days “natural philosophy”.

深夜,哈姆雷特、荷瑞修和一名守卫三人来到城墙顶。Late at night Hamlet, Horatio and one of the guards went to the top of the wall.

深夜,哈姆雷特和守卫之一,霍雷肖站到墙头。Late at night Hamlet, Horatio and one of the guards went to the top of the walls.

从霍拉旭那听说鬼魂的出现,哈姆雷特决定亲自去会会那个鬼魂。After hearing from Horatio of the Ghost's appearance, Hamlet resolves to see the Ghost himself.

在讲述他的白手起家的奋斗史之前,他更想和我分享一些关于他自己的事。Before telling me his Horatio Alger story, though, he had something he wanted me to understand.

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国王和皇后坐在一起,哈姆雷特从在欧菲莉亚的旁边,荷瑞修面对国王坐下来为了能仔细地注意他。Hamlet sat by the side of Ophelia. Horatio sat facing the king in order to watch him carefully.

哈姆雷特和荷瑞修躲在矮树丛后面,以免被他们看见。Hamlet and Horatio hid themselves behind the bushes in order that they might not be seen by them.

深夜,哈姆雷特,荷瑞修和一名守卫三人来到城墙顶,那里非常寒冷、阴暗,就在他们到达后不久,这个身穿盔甲的鬼魂突然从黑暗之中出现。Late at night Hamlet, Horatio and one of the guards went to the top of the walls. It was very cold and dark there.