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克里姆林宫的圣母领报大教堂。Annunciation Cathedral in the Kremlin.

士兵们在通往克里姆林宫的一个大门前整队。Troops line up at one of the gates to the Kremlin.

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这张照片是在二月份的时候拍摄于克林姆林宫门口。The shot was taken in February at one of the Kremlin gates.

主要的新闻渠道实际由克林姆林宫掌控。All the main channels are in effect controlled by the Kremlin.

由于未向俄方支付电费,俄联邦政府掐断了对白的电力供应。As electricity bills go unpaid, the Kremlin turns off the power.

普京的崛起至今让克林姆林宫的观察家们感到迷惑。Putin\'s rise continues to perplex even devoted Kremlin observers.

克里姆林宫建于1024年,这也是城镇最古老的一部分。The Kremlin was built in 1024, and is the oldest part of the town.

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克里姆林宫的烧损非常严重,三分之二的城市销毁殆尽。The Kremlin was badly damaged and two thirds of the city was erased.

总有一天可能更适于克里姆宁宫去鼓励这种好战。One day, it might even suit the Kremlin to encourage this truculence.

今年4月,克里姆林宫取消了在车臣的官方反恐机构。In April the Kremlin cancelled its counter-terrorist regime in Chechnya.

这个公司要建一面“克里姆林”墙的事已经是妇孺皆知了。The company's attempts to build a wall dubbed the Kremlin are legendary.

它们的功能是为政府的决策签字,让其合法化。Their function is to endorse and legitimise decisions made by the Kremlin.

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但他们当中却没有一个阻止克里姆林宫采取反美和专制的政策。But none of this stops the Kremlin from being anti-American and autocratic.

“例行公事已经乱套了,”一个和克里姆林宫很接近的消息解释说。"The routine has become jammed up, " explains a source close to the Kremlin.

俄罗斯将会对乌克兰支持格鲁吉亚和西方国度的态度做出什么反映?How the Kremlin may react to Ukraine's pro-Georgian and pro-Western position.

在最近与西方的对峙中,克里姆林宫要变鸽派了?Is the Kremlin turning dovish in its most recent confrontation with the West?

然而这一直是一个选择,我怀疑克里姆林宫需要一个新的普罗霍罗夫。While this is always an option, I doubt the Kremlin needs a new Khodorkovsky.

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克林姆林宫对他们眼中的两面派、贪婪的巴基耶夫没有任何同情。The Kremlin shed no tears for Mr Bakiyev, whom it saw as two-faced and greedy.

毗临红场的是圣巴索教堂和宏伟的克里姆林宫,这是过去俄罗斯的宫殿。The red is holy, and the church, which is used in the kremlin palace of Russia.

克里姆林宫宣称它为惟一一种可以攻破任何防空系统的武器。The Kremlin has touted Bulava as a unique weapon able to pierce any air defense.