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这位公爵是位军人,还参加过克里米亚战争。The Duke was in the Army and served in the Crimean War.

这位公爵是位军人,还参加过克里米亚战争。Thee Duke was in the Army and served in the Crimean War.

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这幢建筑在克里米亚战争和二战中得以幸存。This construction has survived the Crimean War and the WWII.

16世纪期间,克里木鞑靼入侵露西亚总共91次。In total, during the 16th century Crimean Tatars invaded Russia 91 times.

克里米亚战争结束后,南丁格尔的名气几乎和英女王并驾齐驱。After the Crimean War, Nightingale was almost as famous as the Queen of England.

耶雷梅建议行军攻击还在等待克里米亚鞑靼人的赫麦尔尼茨基。Jeremi proposed to march against Chmielnicki, who still waited for the Crimean Tatars.

在此之后,克里木汗国才意识到莫斯科公国是其最大的威胁。After that, the Crimean Khanate was aware of the Moscow principality is the biggest threat.

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1854年的10月21日,佛罗伦萨·南丁格尔和38名护士被派往克里米亚半岛战争。October 21st,1854, Florence Nightingale and a staff of 38 nurses were sent to the Crimean War.

1854年的10月21日,佛罗伦萨·南丁格尔和38名护士被派往克里米亚半岛战争。October 21st, 1854, Florence Nightingale and a staff of 38 nurses were sent to the Crimean War.

克里米亚战争之后它被用作储藏室,1920年它被用作炮兵训练基地。After the Crimean War it was a storage and in 1920 it was used as a training unit for artillerymen.

这就成为瑞典王国和克里木部落之间的军事同盟背景。This served as the background of the military alliance between the Swedish Kingdom and the Crimean Horde.

俄罗斯黑海舰队在乌克兰塞瓦斯托波尔港口租借基地,造成俄乌关系紧张。Russia's Black Sea fleet rents a base in Ukraine's Crimean port of Sevastopol, a source of tension with Kiev.

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在克瑞米战争期间,南丁格尔女士和她的38名护士团队奔赴土耳其的斯库特瑞军队医院。During the Crimean War Ms. Nightingale and her team of 38 nurses went to a military hospital in Scutari, Turkey.

克里米亚战争期间,南丁格尔在战地医院记录下英国士兵的死亡率。During the Crimean War, Florence Nightingale records the mortality rates of British soldiers in field hospitals.

穿过一个又一个大厅,你像从克里米尔战役到二次世界大战经历了一次‘穿越’。Passing the halls by one by one, you like ‘live’ through the events of that time from the Crimean War till the WWII.

考珀·菲利普斯·科尔是一位著名的英国皇家海军船长,在克里米亚战争中,他发明了船载旋转炮塔。Cowper Phipps Coles was a distinguished Royal Navy Captain who invented a rotating turret for ships during the Crimean War.

在这个时期里,发生了美国的佩里将军强行打开日本门户、克里米亚战争、印度民族大起义、沙俄向黑龙江流域扩张等一系列事件。It was an era which saw Perry's opening of Japan, the Crimean War, the Indian mutiny, Russian czarist expansion to the Amur.

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他担任了两任首相,第一任见证了他在1855年与俄国的克里米亚半岛战争。He served two terms as Prime Minister, the first of which saw his vigorous prosecution of the Crimean war with Russia in 1855.

俘虏所在的达乌部队涉过克里米亚浅滩,一部分已经进入卡卢日斯卡雅大街。Davoust's troops, to which the prisoners belonged, were crossing by the Crimean Ford, and part had already entered Kaluga Street.

本课程亦包含历史实例,诸如第一次和第二次世界大战、韩战、中南半岛战争、伯罗奔尼撒战争、克里米亚战争和七年战争。Covered historical cases include World War I, World War II, Korea, Indochina, and the Peloponnesian, Crimean and Seven Years wars.