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我没有天父!I have no Heavenly Father!

我们同有一位天上的父。We have one heavenly Father.

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听见天军唱哈利路亚。Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia.

这就是无字天书。This is a wordless heavenly book.

这些现象就是我们说的天乐。Those phenomena are Heavenly Joy.

在至高之处荣耀归与神!Glory to God in the heavenly heights

它不再是一个炽热的天体。It was no longer a fiery heavenly body.

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在藏语中,“纳木错”是“天上之湖”的意思。In Tibetan, Namtso means "Heavenly Lake."

上帝会真正成为你的天父。God will truly become your Heavenly Father.

天上豆英云,地上晒死人。Heavenly U heart beans, ground in the dead.

哦阿爸父!在你脚前我等候。Oh Heavenly Father, I wait in front of You.

我听见神圣的死亡的喃喃低语。Whispers of heavenly death murmur'd I hear.

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我们是神圣王座的篡夺者。We are the Usurpers to the Heavenly Thrones.

天上的国度依何存在?How do the heavenly worlds exist and subsist?

然后他既登上了苍穹的极峰。And having climbed the steep-up heavenly hill.

天堂般的爱会滋润你贫瘠的灵魂。And heavenly love will moisten your arid soul.

钻出天堂的海,落在月亮的岸上。Out of the heavenly sea onto the moon's shores.

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帮助孩子们了解他们的天父。Help children get to know their heavenly Father.

我打赌肯定有那样的天籁之音I bet there's heavenly music of that sort. Okay.

它们亘古不变,那是神圣的领域。They are unchanging, that's the heavenly sphere.