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结果青蛙卵的表面被布满了蚊子的嗅觉感受器。As a result, the surface of the egg is covered with the mosquito odorant receptors.

恶臭污染源污染物排放量的确定是一个难题。The determination of odorant emission from an odor pollution source is a difficult problem.

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一个嗅觉细胞表达一种气味受体,人类约有350个气味受体基因。A olfactory cell can express one odorant receptor. There are about 350 odorant receptor genes in human.

我们想测量嗅觉感受器与香味剂分子间的相互作用,而香味剂分子通常都是非常低分子量的配体。We want to measure the interactions of smell receptors with odorant that are very low molecular weight ligands.

秀丽线虫的基因组刚刚被破解,巴格曼博士证实了蛔虫接收气味的基因。The C. elegans genome had just been decoded, and Dr. Bargmann was able to identify the worm’s odorant receptor genes.

这些受体位于鼻腔上皮的嗅觉神经元上,以检测不同的气味分子。These receptors are located on the olfactory neuron in the nasal epithelium and to detect different odorant molecules.

有气味基因在手,巴格曼博士就能把遗传学应用到蛔虫嗅觉是怎样运作的问题上。With the odorant genes in hand, Dr. Bargmann could apply genetics to figuring out how the worm’s sense of smell worked.

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作者从气味分子、气味结合蛋白和气味受体等方面对昆虫的嗅觉反应机理进行了综述。Here, the odor molecules, odorant-binding proteins and odorant receptors were reviewed to unravel the olfactory mechanism of insect.

一个经过基因改造的青蛙卵被放入电压钳系统,然后一种有气味的物质被溶入有青蛙卵的缓冲液中。An engineered egg is placed in a voltage clamp system and an odorant is dissolved in the buffer solution in which the egg is floating.

提出一种收集、分析植物挥发气味物质的吹气吸附装置和实验方法。This paper introduces an apparatus blowing adsorption and an experiment method for sampling and analyzing the volatile odorant of plant.

四氢噻吩是城市燃气的首选加臭剂,随着我国西气东输等工程的建设成功,其市场前景广阔。Tetrahydrothiophene is the preferred Odorant in city gas. It is being used widely in market with the success of West-to-East Gas Project.

牡丹66的食物,坚持在烹煮过程中不放味精、鸡精、蘑菇精等任何人工调味剂,完全用高汤提味。Food offered at TMSK Peony 66 contains no artificial odorant such as monosodium glutamate, essence of chicken and mushroom but fresh soup.

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而后,道格拉斯又使用在佛罗里达一个实验室中特别培养的蚊子,进行了驱蚊性的测试。To test his theory, he went into the laboratory with a few auklet feathers. An analysis showed him the chemicals that make up the auklet's "odorant."

应用性质相近的另一种气体防止嗅觉注意降低,并不能更好地显示初级嗅觉皮层的激活。Applying other odorant with similar quality to avoid olfactory attention decrease can not promote depiction of activation in primary olfactory cortex.

研究者们发现在某些情况下一种气味可能触发数种感受器,而在另外的情况下,感受器只对特定的气味起反应。In some cases, the researchers found that a single odorant triggers several receptors while in other cases receptors are specifically tuned to unique compounds.

昆虫的嗅觉识别过程是非常复杂的,多种蛋白参与了这一过程,这些蛋白包括气味结合蛋白、气味降解酶以及气味受体等。The olfactory behavior of insects is very complicated and involves many kinds of proteins, namely, odorant-binding proteins, odorant degrading enzymes and odor receptors etc.

此外,CYP4L15在腹部还有少量表达。多组织分布特点暗示两个基因可能担负包括气味降解在内的多种功能。However, their low expression in head and thorax for both genes, as well as in abdomen for CYP4L15 suggested that these genes had other functions besides the odorant degradation.

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电子鼻是一种由具有部分选择性的化学传感器阵列和适当的模式识别系统组成、能够识别简单或复杂气味的仪器。E-nose system is a kind of instrument which is composed of selective chemical sensors array and appropriate pattern recognition system to detect and classify simple or complex odorant.

RT-PCR分析表明,丽蝇蛹集金小蜂气味结合蛋白基因不仅在雌、雄成虫触角中高度表达,而且在头部和足中有微弱表达。RT-PCR analyses showed that N. vitripennis odorant binding protein mRNA was highly expressed in the adult antennae of both females and males of both sexes, and weakly detected in the head and leg.