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现在的西部简直无法无天。It is lawless right now in the Wild West.

要狠打,打得不法分子灵魂出窍、骨头发酥。To Henda, forcing the lawless SOUL, bones and hair crisp.

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由于阿富汗毫无法律可言,很可能再次成为基地组织的老窝。And a lawless Afghanistan could again become al-Qaeda’s base.

他把儿子的不法行为看作是对自己的忤逆。He viewed his son's lawless behavior as an attack on himself.

告别违章行车,保证交通顺畅。Say goodbye to lawless driving, ensure the smooth flow of traffic.

红木家具的产流程要求十分峻厉。The annatto furniture production flow demand is very greatly lawless.

这些不法之徒迟早会落入法网。These lawless men will be caught in the toils of law sooner or later.

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许多人认为他们是英雄,而其他人叫他们不法叛徒。Many thought they were heroes while others called them lawless renegades.

我要向背道者教导你的道路,而不敬者将回头复归于你。I shall teach Thy ways to the lawless and the godless will return to Thee.

但美国国会非但没有反对这项违法活动,甚至还从根本上使之合法化。Yet instead of decrying this lawless conduct, Congress essentially legalized it.

那些中国人被指责在停战后兽性大发的几个月里犯下多项罪行。The Chinese were blamed for many crimes in the lawless months after the Armistice.

但代价是使那些地区成为没有法律的地方,在那里土匪和非法毒品生产十分普遍。But the price has been lawless zones where banditry and illegal-drug production are rife.

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这都发生在墨西哥这个土匪国家,偏僻而且违法,以至于没有人去观看。It all takes place in Mexican bandit country so remote and lawless that no-one goes to spectate.

在无法无天的非洲之角邻近海域,中国和任何贸易国家一样,有权保护自己的利益。China has as much right as any trading nation to guard itself in the lawless waters off the Horn of Africa.

李毅中上周表示缺煤以及煤价上涨驱使无法无天的矿主采取不顾后果的举动。"The short supply of coal and rising prices push lawless owners to take reckless moves," Li said last week.

惠伦说,非洲司令部有比在法网不及和无人治理的地区搜寻激进分子更为长远的战略目标。Whelan said AFRICOM has a more long-term purpose than searching for militants in lawless or ungoverned areas.

境内外不法分子不断变换犯罪手法,将易制毒化学品走私出境。Domestic and overseas lawless persons are trying every means to smuggle precursor chemicals out of the border.

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今天你可能停止去犯下非法行为,而发现明天你又提升进这样的模式。One may cease to perpetrate lawless conduct today only to find that one ascends into such patterning tomorrow.

然而在实践过程中,我们却看见政府官僚屡屡变成了最罪恶和最无法无天的一个职业。Yet in practice, we see that government officials belong to the most criminal and "lawless" profession around.

于是一些不法分子就钻空子,在奶液中添加三聚氰胺,误导为“蛋白精”。As a result a number of lawless elements to be abused in the milk added to melamine, misleading "protein fine."