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我们的船撞到了暗礁上。Our ship was thrown on a reef.

那艘船没能绕过暗礁。The ship failed to clear the reef.

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一条藏在珊瑚礁后面的狮子鱼。A lion fish hidden behind a coral reef.

从礁体冲向陆地方向的生物骨屑。Skeletal debris swept landward from a reef.

礁附近柔软的珊瑚和热带鱼。Soft corals and tropical fish at H.P. Reef.

不要选择在野外捕捉的未成熟珊瑚鱼。Do not choose immature wild caught reef fish.

拍打在礁石上浪涛声催人入梦。The breaking surf on the reef is mesmerizing.

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拍打在礁石上浪涛声催人入梦。The stopping surf on the reef is mesmerizing.

涨潮冲击着珊瑚礁。The incoming tides were bathing the coral reef.

丰富了石炭纪生物礁的类型。The reef enriches the Carboniferous reef types.

他们潜水或乘玻璃底游船来观赏珊瑚礁。They dive or see the reef by glass-bottom boat.

该岛离伯利兹著名的堡礁非常近。It is very close to Belize’s famous barrier reef.

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船长下令收帆以靠港。The captain ordered to reef the sails for docking.

开火,把你的车打成一块暗礁,我的天。The heat skeet, blow a reef through ya car, my God.

潜水者身处大堡礁时必须小心在巨大堡礁谨慎。Divers have to be careful on the Great Barrier Reef.

这里是世界上最大的礁群。The reef is the world's largest collection of reefs.

胜利油田义东礁丘是重要的储油岩体。Yidong reef is a main reservoir in Shengli oilfield.

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适用于淡水,海水,礁水族馆。Suitable for fresh-water, salt-water, reef aquariums.

我也是,而且我真的非常希望看到大堡碳。And I would really love to see the Great Barrier Reef.

一只白鳍鲨在大离礁海域巡游。A whitetip reef shark cruises over Great Detached Reef.