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是的,的确,中国确实有着流动资金。Yes, indeed, China does have cash flow.

折旧及摊销不应被视为衡量我们的流动资金。EBITDA should not be considered as a measure of our liquidity.

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这些项目将在流动资金紧绌的环境的竞争力。These items will be in a tight liquidity environment to compete.

非现金形式的流动资金,如应收款和库存。Working capital not in cash form, i. e. receivables and inventories.

全球有很多融资成本很低的流动资金,而且需要再投资。There was a lot of cheap money around, and it needed to be reinvested.

高盛在中国的最新研究,重新确认这样的流动资金驱动市场。Goldman Sachs latest research on China, re-confirm such liquidity driven market.

然而,过剩的备件库存,又将影响流动资金占用。However, the excess inventory of spare parts will affect the use of current fund.

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国营企业流动资金由人民银行统一管理。The circulating fund of state-owned enterprises is regulated by the central bank.

这是流动资金紧绌的情况是在中国今天的主要原因紧缩。This is the liquidity situation in China today is the main reason for tightening.

如果计算参数变化,你的流动资金会有多么不堪一击?How vulnerable is your cash flow to changes in any parameter of your calculations?

你可以创造流动资金严重,像针刺走一年的工资在银行。You can create serious liquidity, like socking away one year's salary in the bank.

无止尽的资金流想要进入中国市场,其中一些是短期流动资金为了追求高额利润而伪装成外商直接投资。There is an endless flow of capital trying to get in, some of which is hot money disguised as FDI.

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多数金融专家来崇拜流动资金作为银弹重振经济。Most financial professionals came to worship liquidity as the silver bullet for reviving economies.

为了恢复市场信心,印度央行正在向金融系统注入流动资金。The Central Bank is infusing more liquidity in the financial system in a bid to restore confidence.

与此同时,信贷市场重新开始运行令买家得以筹集可观的流动资金。At the same time, the reopening of credit markets has allowed buyers to raise substantial liquidity.

此外,交通银行还将为英利中国提供2.5亿元人民币的流动资金贷款。In addition, BOCOM also granted a working capital credit facility of RMB 250 million to Yingli China.

虽然也是人民币短期贷款,但与一般的人民币流动资金贷款有很大的不同。Packing loan is a short-term loan , but it is of great difference from the general floating capital loan.

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针对现在用户流动资金紧张,我公司可串换用户积压材料,解决用户进行急需。Now users against liquidity constraints , i can chuanhuan users backlog materials company address users needs.

如果一家银行需要尽快获得一笔流动资金,他总是能够以基本放款利率从另一家银行借到这笔钱。If a bank needs some quick cash, it can always borrow it from a bank down the road for that prime lending rate.

偿还长期借款。用流动资金偿还长期借款,减少了营运资本。Repayment of long-term debt. Working capital is decreased when current assets are used to repay long-term debts.