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现在我进了局子,法律体制把我搞糊涂了。Now here I go gettin' lost in the system.

这些农奴主因而享有两种体制的好处。The overlords had the best of both worlds.

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论资排辈的体制逐渐走向现代化。The seniority system is slowly modernizing.

体制监察室徒有虚名等。The system monitor chamber is only in name.

所以,一个有能者居之的伟大体制建立了起来。Hence, a great meritocracy could be created.

组件采用调频连续波多普勒雷达体制。The module adopts FM-CW Doppler radar system.

他说,“整个体制由于缺乏效率而步履蹒跚。The system is staggering in its inefficiency.

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正常情况下,这种体制趋于保护自身。Normally, the system tends to protect its own.

此刻运转不灵的是我们的政治体制。It is our political system that is not working.

现代市场经济实际上是一种混合经济体制。Modern market economy is a mixed economy system.

我们要求我们的作家去和体制抗争么?Do we require of our writers to fight the system?

改革旧有体制成为当务之急。The top priority is to reform the timeworn system.

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这种体制已暴露出不少弊端。This kind of system has exposed many malpractices.

美国承受着自身体制僵化的恶果。America suffers from serious rigidities of its own.

服务型政府是一种新型政府管理体制。Service-type government is a new kind of government.

我们可以建立一套控制温室气体排放的体制。We can set up a system for capping greenhouse gases.

在这些国家中,现代世界的体制开始形成In these states, the modern world began to take form.

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有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。The right to dissent is part of our political system.

具有现代管理体制的股份制企业。A modern management system of joint-stock enterprises.

最后介绍采用复合制导体制的末制导炮弹。Finally, the TGM with Combined Guidance are introduce.