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就用输液杆支撑着点,我也扶着你。Just use the IV pole and me for support.

没有给她输液,没有给她供氧,没有给她注射针剂,没有急救措施。No drip, no oxygen mask, no injections, no resuscitation.

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插在我手臂上的输液管继续一滴一滴地向我静脉内输液。The IVs in my arms continue collapsing my veins one by one.

孕妇没有输血史或输液史。There is no history of blood transfusion and Transplantation.

结论PVC输液袋对依诺沙星的吸附作用不明显。Conclusion PVC infusion sets have no absorbability on enoxacin.

FDA要求百特召回问题输液泵FDA Issues Requirements for Baxter Healthcare Infusion Pump Recall

负责输液泵的设计开发与项目管理。Responsible for design and project management of transfusion pump.

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结论头孢匹胺钠与五种常用输液可以配伍使用。Conclusion Cefpiramide sodium can be mixed with the five injections.

此泵适用于小流量、高压力的输液系统。This pump is suitable for small flow, high pressure infusion system.

目的探讨脉冲式封管在静脉留置针输液中的应用。Objective To discuss application of pulse type tube in vein infusion.

方法设计电容式液位传感器及输液液位监测系统。Methods The capacitive sensor and the monitorings ystem were designed.

它可取代传统的高空垂吊式输液。The device can replace the traditional high altitude hanging infusion.

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血浆,输液,氧气,冰块,快!冰袋放在腋窝下。We need blood, fluid, oxygen, ice, now! Let's go. Put it in his armpits.

过去的静脉输液流程是纯技术流程。In the past, the flow of vein transfuse belonged to pure technology flow.

我注意到在我睡觉时,手臂上插上了另一支新的输液管,而且我的手臂不再肿了。I see while I slept a new IV was inserted in my arm. The swelling is gone.

大输液车间设计,设备的选择至关重要。Selection of equipment is very important for large perfusion workshop design.

打点滴,输液,静脉输液治疗法。The accident victim was hooked up to a drip administering intravenous fluids.

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安瓿消毒与输液引起污染的实验研究。Experimental study of infection caused by ampule disinfection and transfusion.

溶液由输液泵输入以控制输液速度。The solution is administered by infusion pump to control the rate of delivery.

极严重脱水的患者需要静脉输液。Very severely dehydrated patients require administration of intravenous fluids.